Hello, Everyone!
It hasn't been all that long since the last update, but I've been so busy and have sort of shifted how I'm developing everything I just felt like I should update you all regardless. But for this update, I'll be breaking things into three categories for sake of readability. Those categories are:
Updates - so what has been completed, what's been started, anything sort of immediately coming out.
Needs to Be Completed - this is as it sounds, these are the priority tasks which are determined by what's a universal need since PSA is a novel, dating sim, and audiobook, certain needs do overlap.
Current Tasks - what I'm currently working on getting done.
I guess something else I wanted to briefly mention for any VAs reading for updates, if I've spoken to you about a role just know I haven't forgotten about you. I'm just moving like ten different pieces at a time ha, ha, ha. But I promise I am working on whatever we discussed I just may have forgotten to note it. On the subject of casting actually. Because I'm changing how I go about my workflow, there might not be any new role listings for a minute. This is because while I like having the information out there on which characters for the current cast haven't been filled. Having them publically listed when they may not be 100% good to go may not just be the most conducive thing. Because then even if I tentatively cast someone I basically have to ask them to wait before anything can happen because I gotta friggin' finish putting everything completely together. And while everyone so far has been really understanding I don't like having to put VAs through that. So it's just better that I complete a bunch of characters 100% then list them all at once so the wait becomes shorter for actors.
So anyways onto the actual updates.
Elandorr's bio and ending have been completed.
Deluna's route has been written.
Hikaru's ending has been completed.
Dimitar Petrova was revealed (yay!).
Emelia Watson's artwork was completed.
Emelia's bio has been completed.
Leonora's endings! As well as her bio has been completed.
Leonora has been officially cast! Thank you to anyone who auditioned! And thank you to anyone who spread the word about the role you're the real MVPs. But we found her guys!
The soundtrack has been completed. It ended up 23 tracks, it could grow in the future, but at the moment 23 is a solid amount that will allow a unique song for most situations. Again it could grow there's just no plans at the moment, outside the possibility of a couple of CiTY GHoSTS songs. I and a couple of my old bandmates are discussing joining up to put some songs together it would be 3 tracks max. But still playing it by year, ear? You get the idea.
Four new backgrounds have begun being drawn, there's still quite a few to go, but we're slowly making a dent.
Coyote's VA reveal will be on 11/26/2021 in honor of Native American Heritage Day.
Artwork for Althea Karas is currently underway.
Needs to Be Completed:
Elandorr's route.
Elandorr's VA needs to be officially cast.
Elrohir's VA needs to be officially cast.
Hamato brother's routes need to be completed.
The remaining Hamato brothers need to have their endings written.
Hamato polyamorous ending needs to be written.
Emelia Watson's route needs to be completed.
Emelia Watson's ending needs to be written.
Alberich's (shopkeeper) route needs to be written.
Shop mechanics and items need to be finalized.
DeLuna's bio and ending need to be written.
DeLuna's actor needs to be officially cast.
Lee's actor needs to be officially cast.
Lee's route needs to be completed.
Lee's bio and ending needs to be written.
Danny-Boy Grease needs to be cast.
Danny-Boy's route needs to be completed.
Danny-Boy's bio and ending need to be written.
Christian Loveland's ending still needs to be written.
Christian's VA needs to be officially cast.
Dev's route needs to be completed (nearly done).
Fenrir's route needs to be written (this will be a massive project so still figuring it out if you've read the book you can guess why).
Johnny McCree's VA needs to be revealed.
Wepawet's route needs to be written (like Fenrir's big undertaking).
Daniel Faun needs to have artwork completed.
Christian Loveland's route needs to be written.
Current Tasks:
Elandorr's route.
Christian's route.
Alberich's Route.
Shop mechanics and items.
Dev's Route.
Deluna's bio and ending.
Lee's route.
Lee's ending and bio.
And that covers everything. The last thing I wanted to mention is I'm going to take a break from PSA during the month of December. I've been in the middle of a cross country move this entire time and I've got a lot of personal stuff to get in-line or back on track. And I have a bunch of other writing projects I was supposed to complete and release this year that took a backseat to PSA basically since the novel came out. I mean I'll still be working just I mean kind of hopefully won't be on PSA or just not as much. Kind of starting to understand how Mr. Sakurai must have felt all these years working on Smash brothers. But anyways just wanted to give everyone a heads up in case things get a little quiet, development didn't stall, or anything. I just think the probably healthy thing to do would be to take an end-of-the-year break.
Anyways! "That's all folks!"