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Wave 1 Overview

I felt with the end of the year quickly approaching, and the completion of "Wave 1" just in time. It might be cool just to do an overview of where we are and where we came from. I originally started writing PSA back in 2018, maybe even a few years prior. And over that time the project has evolved and changed several times. It went from dating sim, to novel, to novel with essentially a compendium, to now back to a dating sim with both previously mentioned novels and a dating sim. I released the novel back in Sep. and since then I've really done nothing, but work on this project. Which I never had intended, I figured I'd release the book and then slowly I'd put together a visual novel and that'd be that. But then people started taking an interest and the more people that took interest the more it has become my priority. And I think what makes PSA so easy to keep plugging away at while other books I've worked on have had these periods where I just drop them and then come back. Is the fact that PSA is so diverse even narratively. There's so many different characters from different cultures with different backgrounds it really gives you a lot of room to play around. And because each one can have a different route you're essentially just writing on-hundred different short stories. It's been really exciting, and a ton of work. And I appreciate and thank everyone who has lent their talents to the project. Especially the voice actors, I mean you guys are the ones who really bring these characters to life and grant them a depth my words alone could never. Most of the characters from this first wave still have work to be done either casting wise or story wise. But even still looking at them all together gets me excited and makes me really happy because it's like, "yeah, it's actually happening that crazy idea you had? It really is coming together, just keep going Little Engine." I would love to be able to go through each character and give a little blurb, but we just don't have the time for that. I just felt like this moment warranted a post, but I really am at a loss of words. I've come to love these characters in a way I never really even expected characters I felt indifferent to feel like friends, characters who felt like friends became mysteries, characters that were just jokes became real people. I'm very excited to see how the second wave of characters turns out, so far we've completed two and they're so cool, one of which is actually ready to cast already. Anyways! I don't have too much to say, I just felt like I should try to say something at least!

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