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Open Roles


All Are Welcome Here at PSA

Below are all the roles I'm currently looking to fill. PSA has a cast of over 100 characters all of which are in different stages of development so not all available roles are listed. Just the ones that are currently being cast. If you should spot one that you fancy follow the submission guidelines below. If you don't have a particular character in mind and therefore you want to just submit a demo; by all means. That being said doing so doesn't necessarily mean I'll go out of my way to find something for you. There's a possibility, it's happened in the past but that currently isn't really how I operate; so I very well could get it hear it and then forget about it. I want to work with people who are genuinely interested in the project and want to attach their name to it. Hence why I really don't just want a demo reel, I want to work with people who are just excited about these characters and this world as I am. Those are the people who are going to make this thing work and keep me accountable. 


Submission Guidelines:

1) Please name files (character)_(your name/handle)
2) MP3 format is just fine.

3) E-Mail audition(s) to
4) Please just make sure e-mail subjects reference audition so I know what the e-mail is for and it's not lost in a sea of misc. things.

5) And feel free to tell me a bit about yourself in the e-mail, why did you pick x character(s)? Is there a particular reason you're interested in this project? I'd love the chance to get to know you better in this process. It might seem irrelevant, but it really can help!


If you have any questions feel free to submit them through the form at the bottom of this page or through DM on Twitter. Can't wait to hear from you!


Thanks for submitting!

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